HugoFirx Each piece is named after it's own African butterfly, an image of which is hidden within the picture.
Welcome to the Online Gallery - Combining the arts of painting and black & white photography
2003 - One Hundred Elephants
2004 - Elephant Portraits
2005 - Black & White Elephants
One Hundred Elephants
Elephant Portraits
Black & White Elephants

Each artwork is named after an African butterfly, an image of which is hidden within the picture. The common and Latin name of the butterfly are engraved onto a silver plaque which is sealed into the canvas with the Fircks family crest.
Only two, different versions of the original photo image are ever created. In the second version the oils artwork, size and position of the butterfly differ from the first original.



Having held two successful solo exhibitions in Piccadilly, London in 2003 and 2004 and exhibited in New York and Fort Worth, Hugo is rapidly gaining an international reputation with his unique combination of painting and black & white photography. His London exhibitions were opened by David Shepherd, the internationally renowned artist and conservationist.

In his opening address, David said, “Hugo and I clearly share a passion for the gentle giants of Africa... I am honoured to be associated with this exhibition which combines the arts of photography and painting and which will hopefully generate greater concern for the plight of so many endangered mammals on the brink of extinction.”